Friday, December 1, 2017

Magic Mud in La Chamba!

My article is based on the creation of clay pieces in in La Chamba, a small village nearby El Espinal, Tolima. I will show you their location and presentation of such beautiful work done by the Tolimenses. To the southeast of El Guamo in Tolima, there is a territory in which the magic of mud and colors combine to give life to a ceramic full of history

The boom in the development of the ceramic pieces of La Chamba and the motivation of the artisans to continue differentiating themselves in the whole country with their creations, the artisans obtained more support to continue strengthening their craft and make it unique in the country.

The ceramic tradition of La Chamba could not exist without those craftsmen who have put the soul, life and heart to each piece of craft that comes from this beautiful land and with their hands keep alive a tradition that has led them to be recognized in every country.

The production of ceramics in La Chamba is mainly linked to women. They are the ones who with their hands begin to give life to the mud, which has previously been obtained and prepared by the men of the region. It should be noted that they also produce ceramic pieces, but in a smaller proportion than the artisans. These pieces bear the ingenuity and magical inspiration of artisans who day after day strive to show their best and tell the world that their pottery is a unique and traditional object that represents a land that is built with mud and he is proud of his talent. 

by Yaneth Niño Montoya

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